Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympic Update

Like I tweeted, I have been at a men's conference since Thursday. I have missed blogging...and watching sports. But I did watch today and try to get caught up on what I missed. Here is some rapid fire reaction:

- Phelps is not near the swimmer he was in 2004 or 2008. He may still rack up enough medals to get the career record, but I wanted more.

- Lochte isn't a Phelps replacement. As good as he can be, he won't ever have the impact Phelps had across the board.

- Volleyball is fun...and hard. I watched indoor and beach today and it was awesome. It is incredible to watch and the teamwork is tremendous. Beach volleyball is tough though. There is so much court to cover for two people, so the blocker is the key. If your front man struggles, good luck. Each player must be even in ability too cause you can target servers and therefore target who gets the kill.

- The US basketball team (women) are unbeatable. They will completely dominate every team. They are the real Dream Team this year. The men are great too, will go undefeated, and win the gold. But they shouldn't talk about being a Dream Team. They need some better shooting and inside play to match the '92 team.

- Boxing is boring. Normal boxing is much better than Olympic boxing. Why even have it at the games?

- Gymnastics is cool, but not for me. I do like watching it sometimes, but I hit a wall eventually and can't watch too long.

- Lastly, the US is dominant!


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